We are still missing Apollo and want him to return as soon as possible. We offer a reward when found. Please let us know if you find him. His name is also Janus.
Ci manca ancora Apollo e vogliamo che ritorni il prima possibile. Offriamo una ricompensa quando viene trovato. Per favore, facci sapere se lo trovi. Anche il suo nome รจ Giano.

When was it lost: 06/06/2024
Breed: Bulldog
Sex: Male
Age: 11 months
Size: Small
Colours: Grey, Nero, Bianco
Coat length: Short
Coat features: Spotted
Ears: High
Identifying features: Scar on lip
Neutered / Sterilized: no
Microchip: ***********4192
Dog owner: Chandler Braswell/Chara Hescock
Dog registry name: Janus
Place of residence: Friuli-venezia Giulia


Phone: 3289145159
Email: chantheman919@gmail.com


Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy

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